Monday, January 24, 2011

The Working Class..Bu'ya! Who's up for Ice Fishing!??

I have a question...
For all of my 0 followers...haha. WOOT!
What praytell is the temperature at your work?

I will start by saying, I work at Sears. No, not the Sears your thinking of..there is no 'softer side' in the disconnected, barely insulated, FREEZING COLD parts department! 
Yes. Parts. The place you come when you need a thermal fuse or a lawn mower belt...the place you just learned about when you read it just there...yeah, It exists.

I am pretty certain that this department, that I co-manage. (eesssh) is set at a lovely 40 something degrees...
There is actually a gust of cold air that comes charging at you as you enter it from the main department store.
Isn't there some law against making people work in such a frigid enviroment!??

We tried to create some sort of "boycott"....hahahahahahaha. They sent some bitter, obviously underpaid and overworked repair man here, who just pointed out things we already knew...
"Yah-your heats goin' riet up der in the ceilin', gonna need to vent theat down, for suure"  (excuse my minnesota typing talk..its much better in person I swear!) It seemed so promising!! He even came back with another guy and they brought a ladder! I thought for sure it was going to happen. Heat I mean.
Instead this grumpy, leather skinned repair man gave us some how to keep doors closed and how to do some other stupid things...resulting in NO additional heat.
This was back in early December..may I remind you that January is the coldest month in Minnesota!..? "

Oh and BTW that whole need to vent thing..Never happened.
Oh yeah...YOU BETCHA!
Still cold!

So I will continue to sit at this desk huddled up to a 1500w heater pretending that its making me warm.
Thanks SEARS!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My office is always so HOT! My coworkers keep the thermostat at like 80, summer, spring, winter and FALL. I'm sweltering in here.

  3. Having lived a good part of my life in the twin cities I remember that cold wind whipping in the doors.
    Good luck on the blog it is a good way to get thing out of your head and move on.
    P.S. I like the odyssey bit

  4. Hi there! I'm a loyal Syndal follower, and figured I'd come say hello to a new blogger! :)

    Stay warm!
